Regarding My Blog’s Tagline

7 Apr

(Damansara, 2011) My blog’s welcome note as you can see on the top of my home page is “I THANK GOD FOR MY UNCONQUERABLE SOUL. I’M THE MASTER OF MY FATE, I’M THE CAPTAIN OF MY SOUL”.

This is the post intended to discuss the tagline. Well it actually is taken (and rephrased a bit to match with my belief) from a poem’s phrase that Nelson Mandela (is it the right spelling?) of South Africa read during his time in the jail. No… I didnt read his biography or anything, I just watched a movie called “Invictus” the story of how Nelson Mandela unite his national rugby team after the collapse of “apartheid” in South Africa.

Interesting movie. Anyway, I am so amazed how this phrase can successfully inspire Mr. Mandela to reach his dream. He was a prisoner and now he’s the father of rainbow country South Africa.

Amazing person, amazing poem, amazing movie. The tagline represents my believe and my gratitude to God.

May the joy be with you.

6 Responses to “Regarding My Blog’s Tagline”

  1. Wahyu April 8, 2011 at 12:09 am #

    That’s really a nice and strong phrase. I just found your blog via Facebook. Nice one, Fardhan, beside grammatical errors here and there, you really put your thought here. Anyway, keep spilling ideas and dreams, I’ll be glad to read them all.

    • fardhanadamy April 9, 2011 at 1:19 am #

      HI Wahyu,

      Thanks for coming to my blog and dropping your comments.

      Once I had a thought to write my blog in Indonesia, but I always try to improve my English in any way. So i found writing at my blog in english is quite helpful for me mastering the language. Anyway thanks for such notice, im always trying to eliminate grammatical error as much as i can.

      another thing is I have intention to post more frequent and consistently, so i hope you can enjoy my blog more often 🙂

  2. hanshiddiq April 19, 2011 at 8:08 am #

    Hi Fardhan,

    I really like this “Invictus” poem by William Henley. Another poem that I like with similar theme is “If” by Rudyard Kipling. These two poems teach a person to have “stiff upper lip” attitude, i.e. displaying fortitude in the face of adversity.

    • fardhanadamy April 19, 2011 at 10:46 pm #

      hi hanshiddiq,

      first of all thanks for visiting my blog dropping your comment here.

      wow, im amazed with your knowledge of poems. you know what, after i read your comment i googled the term “stiff upper lip” and the answer I obtained from wikipedia was confusing me LOL.

      Anyway, regarding the “invictus” the thing i realized from the poem is that the writer of the poem knows “the secret”. By “the secret” I mean anything that Rhonda Byrne wrote in her book with the same title “the secret”.

      Thanks once again for visiting and commenting.

      Best regards,

  3. hanshiddiq April 22, 2011 at 12:31 am #

    Gw sih ga tau gitu banyak ttg puisi. “stiff upper lip” itu sikap tabah dalam menghadapi kesulitan, sikap tdk menunjukkan emosi ketika ditimpa bencana. “Invictus” sendiri dibuat pengarangnya ketika dia dtimpa tuberculosis tulang shingga salah satu kakinya diamputasi. Puisi itu mungkin sbg prnyataan bahwa dirinya tak akan dikalahkan oleh pnyakit itu.
    gw belum baca The Secret, bagus ya? apanya yg sama dgn Invictus?

    • fardhanadamy April 22, 2011 at 8:50 pm #

      jadi buku itu sebenernya, cerita ttg si rhonda byrne menemukan rahasia dari kehidupan. dia ngeliat kesamaan dari orang2 yg sukses dan berpengaruh di dunia ini, kalau quotes mereka tuh “satu tipe”

      kalau gw ngeliatnya, puisi ini juga termasuk “tipe” yg dimaksud rhonda byrne itu. Intinya semua mulai dari “soul” dan “believe”. Kalo sempet baca buku “the secret” gw rekomen banget buat semua orang

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